One of the books that helped me "deprogram" was Defying Hitler, by Sabastian Haffner, The book showed how Hitler by beginning in such small ways, turned a civilised, intelligent people in to a helpless, penned in flock of sheep . And this really bought home to me that all I was doing on the ministry was exploiting people's psychological weaknesses,
Another book The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz gave a truthful account of a totalitarian culture equal to Orwells 1984 classic. From this book I learnt not to regret my time spent as a witness, but rather to learn from it, and be grateful I could now see the organisation for what it was. A man made totalitarian government pretending to be under the leadership of Jehover.
Havng left the Witness mindset I now admire people who spend there life's collecting stamps or growing tulips, they do less damage to the world than i ever did as a Jehovers Witnesses.
The Rebel.